
This node displays the initial point from which the solver starts the search for the solution. These values are used only when Use Provided Initial Values is chosen as the Warmstart option in the Solution Options node.

Tabbed Views


Tabbed Views

Total Moles

Total Mass

Phase Name

Total Moles

In the Total Moles tab of the Set Name node, you may enter the initial values for each variable. The initialization data must be provided for each finite element and each collocation point. The recommended procedure is to autofill these values with a previous solution as shown in the Initialize from Results action.

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Total Mass

This tab is shown when Mass Density is selected as units of concentrations in Units Configuration node, and behaves similar to the Total Moles tab.

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Phase Name

In the Phase Name tabs of the Set Name node, you may enter the initial values of molarity for each phase. The recommended procedure is to autofill these values with a previous solution as shown in the Initialize from Results action.

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Quick Run

Open Solver

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See Also: